
Virtual Food Drive

Help us buy our most needed items, including those we can't collect in barrels, such as milk, eggs, fruits, and vegetables.

Thanks to our bulk purchasing power, your gift to the Food Bank goes much further than it would at the grocery store. Every $1 you donate is enough to provide 2 healthy meals locally. That means more peace of mind for families impacted by the pandemic.

Fill your virtual shopping cart below, and don't forget to select a Team or Drive for your donation to go to. 

All donations made through Virtual Food Drive are used as general funds for the purchase of the Food Bank’s most needed food items. The prices of each item reflect the average costs for the Food Bank to procure these items, including transportation costs.

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Fill up your cart with food!

Family Meal

25 meals; whole chicken, green beans and potatoes
Our price: $137.40
Retail price: $1,408.83


Children's Backpack

25 bags filled with nutritious food
Our price: $112.50
Retail Price: $326.75


Fresh Produce

575 lbs. of fresh produce
Our price: $109.25
Retail Price: $1,150.00



60 18-oz bags
Our price: $74.25
Retail Price: $287.40


Dried Beans

50 1-lb bags
Our price: $45.69
Retail Price: $100.00


Whole Wheat Pasta

60 1-lb bags
Our price: $32.34
Retail Price: $116.40



50 8-oz 1% milk boxes
Our price: $22.78
Retail Price: $58.33

Total: $0.00

Donor Information

Amount: $ 0.00

Display Name Options: Selecting "Display my name" will show your name to the coordinator for this drive and the public. Selecting "Keep me anonymous" will hide your name from the public. The coordinator of this drive will still get your information in order to thank you.